B.O.G. Meeting Minutes September 5, 2018

CREA Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2018
LM-412 Conference Room, 12-1 pm

In attendance:


Jared Brown, G&F

Joel Greene, RSI

Karma Ester, DSP

Carol Hardy-Vincent, RSI

Elayne Heisler, DSP

Cathi Jones, FDT


Clint Brass, Treasurer

Michael Martin, Vice President

Libby Perl, Secretary

Tiaji Salaam-Blyther, Vice President

Susan Thaul, President

Stewards and Others



Minutes: The board approved minutes from the August 8, 2018 and August 22, 2018 board meetings.

Employee Assistance Program: The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Committee has an annual meeting to decide on topics for staff seminars over the coming year. Participants in the annual meeting include representatives from Health Services, the EAP office, the three Library unions, and the Library’s Human Resources office. President Thaul asked if anyone on the board was interested in attending this year’s meeting. Governor Jones volunteered to attend.

Negotiations over the Equal Employment Opportunity Plan for Diversity and Inclusion: CREA and the other Library unions are continuing negotiations, per our collective bargaining agreements, with the Library over its draft, which includes as a pilot an advisory group on diversity and inclusion. The unions are currently reading the draft and preparing their comments.

 Consultative Management: Governor Brown and Vice President Martin reported to the board on the status of their initiative on consultative management.

CREA Request for Reports from CRS: Governor Hardy-Vincent asked if CRS is required to report on employees who receive awards. Governor Thaul said that this information is supposed to be included in the reports that CRS is to provide to CREA under the Collective Bargaining Agreement. CREA has asked CRS for these reports and is currently working with the Library’s Labor Relations team to obtain them.

Telework: Governor Heisler asked for an update on telework negotiations. President Thaul reported that former Vice President Brass has transferred his notes and the bargaining responsibility to Vice President Salaam-Blyther; the reconstituted team met and is awaiting notes from President Thaul in order to resume bargaining.