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  • Fill out this OPM Payroll Deduction Form on screen; put your cursor in the required blocks and type in the relevant information.
  • Your personal adobe digital signature may be used to sign the form; alternatively, save the file, print, sign and scan.
  • Email the PDF form to for processing. The CREA Secretary will provide email confirmation of receipt.

CREA dues are very low by typical union standards and, historically, increases have been infrequent. CREA dues are 0.2% of your salary; this ensures a fair sharing of costs.

Dues are collected via payroll deduction each pay period. To calculate what a CREA member contributes, multiply salary at the relevant GS and step level for the “WASHINGTON-BALTIMORE-ARLINGTON, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA” locality pay area, per pay period or year,  by 0.2% (0.002). The locality pay table for the Washington DC area is located here:

Dues pay for our affiliation expenses and entitle us to various forms of help from IFPTE, including legal advice from IFPTE’s law firm. Dues also fund our scholarships and other educational activities (e.g., training for stewards).