B.O.G. Meeting Minutes March 14, 2018

CREA Board of Governors Meeting Minutes

In attendance on March 14, 2018:


Jared Brown, G&F
Joel Greene, RSI
Carol Hardy-Vincent, RSI
Angeles Villarreal, FDT

Clint Brass, Treasurer
Michael Martin, Vice President
Libby Perl, Secretary
Tiaji Salaam-Blyther, Vice President
Susan Thaul, President
Stewards and Others

Power Outage in FDT: Last week, while work was being done on the adjacent DSP renovations, portions of FDT lost power for several hours. The Board discussed bringing up with management a plan to help affected CRS employees relocate elsewhere if something like this were to happen again.

Office of Compliance: President Thaul went to a briefing held by the Office of Compliance (OOC) for the legislative branch unions to discuss pending legislation that would bring the Library under the Congressional Accountability Act, and therefore OOC, for Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) purposes. Currently the Library handles EEO cases internally, and OOC only handles OSHA issues for the Library.

Upcoming Trainings/Conferences: The Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service will be having a symposium on arbitration in Atlantic City on May 17-18. In the past, CREA representatives have attended the symposium and found it helpful. The first day will have a track devoted to federal sector arbitration. President Thaul said to let her know if you are interested in attending.

IFPTE’s Convention, which takes place every three years, will also be in Atlantic City this year, from June 25-28.

Requirement that the Library Provide Certain Reports to CREA: President Thaul and Vice President Salaam-Blyther met with Eric Garcia from the Library’s Labor Relations Office, and let him know that there are certain reports that the Library is required, by the Collective Bargaining Agreement, to provide to CREA, that are not being provided. Mr. Garcia said that he could help with that, so President Thaul will send him a list of the missing reports.

Negotiation on the Library’s EEO Regulation: The Library sent a counter proposal to CREA yesterday, and this morning President Thaul, Vice President Salaam-Blyther, and representatives of the other Library unions met with the Library’s representatives to discuss it.

All-Staff Email Regarding Advanced Sick Leave: On February 26, the Library sent out an email to all staff about how to apply for advanced sick leave. The unions, including CREA, noticed that some items described in the email were factually wrong. The unions are working with the Library to correct the mistakes, and President Thaul has asked for a meeting.

Performance Reviews: Performance reviews in some divisions have been occurring late, or not at all. President Thaul brought this up with Diane Duffy from the CRS Office of the Counselor to the Director, and Ms. Duffy said she would bring it up at a senior management team meeting.