B.O.G. Meeting Minutes April 11, 2018

CREA Board of Governors Meeting Minutes
In attendance on April 11, 2018:


Jared Brown, G&F
Karma Ester, DSP
Joel Greene, RSI
Carol Hardy-Vincent, RSI
Elayne Heisler, DSP
Brian Reeder, COU


Clint Brass, Treasurer
Michael Martin, Vice President
Libby Perl, Secretary
Tiaji Salaam-Blyther, Vice President
Susan Thaul, President

Stewards and Others

CRS Working Groups: The Board discussed the 12 working groups that CRS has assembled on various subjects to help contribute to the CRS Directional Plan, which will, in turn, accompany the Library’s Strategic Plan. There are CREA representatives on some, but not all of the 12 working groups.

CREA Priorities: The Board discussed the many competing priorities that CREA officers are trying to address. In order to ensure that there is movement on high-priority projects and that items don’t fall through the cracks, the officers, at the next weekly officers meeting, will draft a list of ongoing projects. At the next board meeting, officers and governors will discuss the list and make sure that there are individuals responsible for moving each project forward.

Consultative Management: The Board discussed management’s obligations under Article 39, the Consultative Management article of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Governor Brown moved that President Thaul present to CRS Director Mazanec that management meet its Article 39 obligation under the CBA within 20 days. If management does not fulfill its Article 39 obligation, then CREA will file a grievance within 20 days of management’s failure to comply. Governor Greene seconded the motion. The Board approved the motion by a vote of 6-0.