1. Minutes. The minutes of June 30, 2010, were accepted. 2. Employee Survey. Unions have been invited to participate in a group to analyze LOC’s areas of weakness. CRS responses have been disaggregated; a committee will do some analysis of…
Tag: 2010 BOG
BOG Meeting Minutes — June 30, 2010
1. Minutes.The minutes of June 9 and June 16, 2010, were accepted. 2. CBA Opening. The request has been sent. The first meeting will be July 28; then the clock starts ticking on ground rules, etc. Proposal from Joe S.…
BOG Meeting Minutes – June 16, 2010
There was not a quorum at today’s meeting. A discussion was held, nonetheless on the following topics. 1. Topics for Meeting with Director. G&F “policy” on speaking to the media. It appears at odds with CRS official policy. Some question…
BOG Meeting Minutes — June 9, 2010
1. Minutes. The minutes of June 2, 2010, were accepted. 2. CRS Reorganization. President R. reported that he and VP Jefferson have met with all affected groups; no major surprises have been encountered, and there are no major concerns beyond…
BOG Meeting Minutes — June 2, 2010
1. Minutes.The minutes of May 26, 2010, were accepted. 2. Telework Update. Workstation replacements are proceeding. Governor (and teleworker) Sinquefield reported a positive experience on his first day; Governor Smole also had a positive report of his first day. Some…