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Before the meeting got underway, President R. introduced our new treasurer-elect, D. Andrew Austin. Welcome, Treasurer-elect Austin!
1. Minutes.The minutes of September 22, 2010, were accepted.
2. Budget. Treasurer T. presented the FY2010 budget wrap-up and a potential FY2011 budget. After discussion, an additional $1,500 was added to the event line item for a special (springtime?) event (Governor Crocker moved, Governor Reeder seconded, and the motion passed unanimously). The annual meeting line item was increased to $700 (Governor Crocker moved, Governor Reeder seconded, and the motion passed unanimously). The CREA Cafe item was increased to $750 (Governor Harlan moved, Governor McCarthy seconded, and the motion passed unanimously). The scholarship and loan repayment funds will remain at $7,500 available for the next year. Governor Crocker moved, Governor Reeder seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that the budget be accepted as amended. Thanks to Treasurer T.
3. IFPTE Per Capita Increase. An increase in our per capita to the international has been requested to enable IFPTE retirement to be bought out from its current defined benefit obligation. Governor McCarthy moved, Governor Perl seconded, and the motion passed that we accept the per capita increase.
4. Annual Meeting. Representative Donna Edwards will attend. The meeting will be October 13 at 2 p.m. in Dining Room A. Governor Campbell agreed to coordinate. Thanks to Governor Campbell.
5. Contract Bargaining.President R. reported that ground rules are being worked on. Progress is being made.
Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
D. Andrew Austin
Phillip Brogsdale
Beverly Campbell
Royce Crocker
Shelley Harlan
Julius Jefferson
Jim McCarthy
Jasmina Miric
Jack Moteff
Libby Perl
Brian Reeder
Dennis Roth
Bryan Sinquefield (telcon)
David Smole
Mallary Stouffer
Sibyl Tilson