BOG Meeting Minutes — October 5, 2011

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1. Minutes. The minutes of September 28, 2011, were accepted with a modification.

2. Election. David Smole reported on turnout. Everyone please vote! VP Jefferson mentioned that we have several board vacancies and we ought to try to fill them.

3. Annual meeting. We have a staffer and possibly a Member who may speak at the meeting. VP Moteff is organizing food and drink. Thanks to VP Moteff.

4. New food service vendor. IL Creations has been given a three-year contract. Renovation is underway and should be complete by January 1.

5. New agenda wrangler. Governor Rudman has volunteered. Thank you Governor Rudman.

6. Budget. Treasurer Austin distributed draft budget; we are in the black (yay!) After brief discussion and some minor adjustments, Governor Perl moved, Governor Reeder seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that the draft budget be passed, with a final budget to be circulated and voted on at the next board meeting. Thanks to Treasurer A.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


D. Andrew Austin
Phillip Brogsdale
Beverly Campbell
Julius Jefferson
Chris Lewis
Jack Moteff
Libby Perl
Brian Reeder
Dennis Roth
Abby Rudman
David Smole
Mallary Stouffer
Sibyl Tilson