BOG Meeting Minutes — October 26, 2011

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1. Minutes. The minutes of October 19, 2011, were accepted.

2. New Governor for KSG. Karma Ester has volunteered to join the board . Governor Rudman moved, Governor Grasso seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that Ms. Ester join the board. Thanks to new Governor Ester!

3. CREA Event. Governors Rudman and Perl described a possible coffee and donut event to be held Wednesday morning, November 9 (9:00-10:30). It sounds like a great idea. Thanks to Governors Rudman and Perl.

4. Emerging Concerns. President R and VP Jefferson mentioned the staffing and hours of the reference centers, along with the concept of ‘repurposing’ the centers. Other concerns include the ‘doing more with less’ that is likely necessary in the current environment.

5. Contract Bargaining. Employee rights article is coming along; sticking points remain. Next up are association representational activity and consultative management.

6. LCR2010-3.1 Revision. The regulation governing the processing of EEO complaints is out of date. CREA has submitted a proposal to update the reg.

7. Exit Interviews. The Director and CRS Workforce will each conduct an exit interview.

8. Successful Desk Audit. CREA requested a desk audit that resulted in an upgrade recommendation.

9. Other. Governor Grasso mentioned the CFC bake sale will be November 22.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


David Bradley
Karma Ester
Val Grasso
Julius Jefferson
Chris Lewis
Libby Perl
Dennis Roth
Abby Rudman
Bryan Sinquefield
Mallary Stouffer