BOG Meeting Minutes — November 4, 2009

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1. Agenda. The agenda for November 4, 2009, was approved.

2. Minutes. The minutes of October 28, 2009, were accepted as read.

3. Federal Long-Term-Care Insurance Lunchtime Discussion. Should CREA sponsor a brown bag? Governor Grasso moved, Governor Harlan seconded, and the motion passed on a voice vote that CREA will host a lunchtime discussion with Janemarie Mulvey and that members only will be invited.

4. Steward Elections. Time for steward elections. VP Jefferson requests support to fill existing vacancies.

5. CFC Bake Sale. CREA will sponsor the bake sale, which will be November 24. Volunteers to bake, man the sale, and buy are sought.

6. Names on Products. President R. reported on the recently promulgated policy. It should have been bargained. More later.

7. Non-congressional e-mails. Management proposal is to require all e-mails to go to Janine, who will respond. Governor Crocker moved, Governor McCarthy seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that we request bargaining.

8. Telework. Counter-proposal has been sent. Bargaining is set to begin today.

9. E-mail, phone, and photo grievance. President R. distributed LOC-proposed language that will allow info on requests for removal to be provided to CREA. Governor Crocker moved, Governor Campbell seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that we accept the language.

10. Other. Doors — will they ever be opened again? Training — Could FLRA come to us with a training for Governors and Stewards?

Meeting adjourned at 1 p.m.


Beverly Campbell
Royce Crocker
Valerie Grasso
Shelley Harlan
Jim McCarthy
Jack Moteff
Julius Jefferson
Pat Purcell
Dennis Roth
Bryan Sinquefield
Mallary Stouffer