BOG Meeting Minutes — November 3, 2010

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1. Minutes.The minutes of October 20, 2010, were accepted.

2. Steward Elections. VP Jefferson will send lists of members and the number of stewards allotted for each division.

3. Master Contract Bargaining Update. Agreement has been reached on the order in which the articles will be bargained. The team is soliciting help on the articles.

4. Library of Congress (LC) Regulations. The Library is involving the unions earlier when new or altered regulations are coming out; several modified regulations have been given to the unions for review and input. Reviewers are needed.

5. Holiday Party.Time to get a plan and planner for holiday party and possibly our next year 35th anniversary party.

6. Transit Subsidy. In 2011 the maximum subsidy will retreat to $120 (from $230; the $230 was part of the stimulus package).

7. New Mugs. VP Moteff reported we still have mugs; he distributed divisional lists of members without mugs.

Meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.


D.Andrew Austin
Phillip Brogsdale
Beverly Campbell
Ryan Granger
Shelley Harlan
Julius Jefferson
Jack Moteff
Libby Perl
Dennis Roth
David Smole
Mallary Stouffer