BOG Meeting Minutes – Jan. 8, 2014

1. Minutes accepted. Minutes accepted for previous meeting (Dec. 11, 2013) minutes

2. Approval of Arbitration Training for Officers. President Moteff submitted informational packets on two upcoming training programs: the annual FMCS Arbitration Symposium and the Federal Workforce Training conference for the board to review and evaluate for value and applicability to CREA training needs. Vice-President Grasso and Vice-President Jefferson are interested in attending the FMCS Symposium, which takes place in Atlantic City, NJ on May 8th and 9th. VP Grasso has submitted in writing an itemized budget including total cost to CREA to send one participant. Board discussed the relevancy of the agenda for the Symposium and for the Training Conference. Governor Martin moved to put to the board via email vote to approve sending VP Grasso and VP Jefferson to the Symposium in Atlantic City and to approve allocating funds for the event from the ‘professional meeting’ budget line item and the ‘training’ budget line item. Seconded by Governor Jones.

3. Committee Sign Up. Further information about the reconvening of and recruitment for committees will be addressed in the next meeting.

4. Meeting with Director of the Library. On December 17th, 2013, President Jack Moteff met with Director Mary Mazanec. Topics included the ‘Lessons Learned’ outline regarding employee experiences’ during the snow day that took occurred in mid-December and the progress of the pilot program for hiring for the new non-laddered assistant junior research assistant positions.


  • Jack Moteff
  • Julius Jefferson
  • Cathy Jones
  • Carol Hardy-Vincent
  • Michael Martin
  • Phillip Brogsdale
  • Chelsea Robertson
  • Brian Reeder
  • Libby Perl