CREA Board Meeting Minutes
July 6, 2016
In attendance:
Joel Green Carol Hardy Vincent Elayne Heisler Betty-Jean Oladapo Brian Reeder Mallary Stouffer |
Clint Brass Phillip Brogsdale Mike Martin Susan Thaul
Stewards and Others
Bill Canis Randy Schnepf
Office Administration: President Thaul introduced CREA’s new Office Administrator, Keisha Johnson. The BOG and others in attendance welcomed her.
Current Cases: Chief Steward Martin provided an overview of current cases and their status.
IP Pilot Program: Chief Steward Martin is scheduling meeting with staff who are affected by CRS’s information professionals (IP) pilot.
Official Time: CREA is currently seeking legal advice regarding its obligations to report on use of official time for its representational duties.
Metro SafeTrack: The BOG discussed the current state of negotiations regarding SafeTrack-related disruptions to the Metro system.
Episodic Offsite Work: The BOG discussed an issue related to disclosure of medication information to CRS management for health-related episodic offsite work.
Openings for Governor and Stewards: President Thaul discussed with the Board openings for CREA Governor and Steward positions.