B.O.G. Meeting Minutes March 18, 2015

CREA Board Meeting Minutes

March 18, 2015

Meeting Started 12:02 p.m.

In attendance:


Clint Brass

Brian Reeder

Mallary Stouffer

Bonnie Mangan

Libby Perl

David Bradley

Betty-Jean Oladapo

Karma Ester

Carol Hardy-Vincent

Patty Figliola

Bryan Sinquefield

Cathi Jones


Valerie Grasso

Julius C. Jefferson Jr.

Susan Thaul

Phillip Brogsdale










Tyson Flagg

Bill Canis












Metro 26 Council Meeting, 3/16: President Grasso and VP Thaul attended this meeting and shared what was discussed.  Of particular interest, was an OPM representative discussing a recent 60 Minutes piece that portrayed federal workers in a negative light.  The OPM representative discussed how this view fails to take into consideration how understaffed some federal agencies are, and the effect this has on Congress.  VP Thaul also shared some of the activities for Metro 26.

ULP on Emergency Closure: Officers are preparing a response to submit to the FLRA by 3/24.

Episodic Offsite Work: The negotiation team met earlier this week to discuss the form that must be submitted for episodic offsite work.  The form was not bargained during negotiations and the CREA negotiating team feels that it needs improvement.  Since management has expressed a need for a form, and is open to feedback on the form, CREA is trying to rewrite/revise the form.

Take Our Children to Work Day: The Take Our Children to Work Committee has asked for a donation of at least $200. Governor Stouffer made a motion for a $250 donation; Governor Brass seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

CREA Anniversary Date: After consulting with previous President Roth, it was determined that August 1 is the most appropriate date for marking CREA’s 40th anniversary celebration.

Staff Photography Project: The staff photo project is moving forward. A number of questions have been raised by members and the Officers are planning how best to respond.

Meeting adjourned at 12:59.