CREA Board Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2015
Meeting Started 12:01 p.m.
In attendance:
Clint Brass Patty Figliola Carol Hardy-Vincent Bonnie Mangan Michael Martin Betty Jean Oladapo Libby Perl Brian Reeder
Val Grasso Julius Jefferson Alison Siskin Susan Thaul
Christina Bailey Bill Canis Tyson Flagg Claudia Guidi Randy Schnepf
CBA: Copies will be coming out soon.
40th Anniversary: The committee formed 2 teams to figure out celebration:
- having it at a restaurant;
- renting a space, hiring caterers
Discussion: When should it happen?
Article: Would like to get an article in the gazette in honor of the anniversary.
Cake: On the actual anniversary day will have a cake and invite membership.
DCLA Sponsorship: The D.C. Library Association President (and CREA member) Christina Bailey presented to the BOG. DCLA is planning an event for National Library Worker Day on April 14th. They are hosting a panel between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. that day and the other unions are co-sponsoring the event. There is no cost to sponsor. Gov. Mangan motioned that CREA sponsor the DCLA seminar. Gov. Reeder seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Telework Agreement: It is coming up for renewal on March 26th. People would like to be able to telework 2 days a week but if reopen, everything is on the table. Others would like more flexibility to move telework days. We will canvas members to see if there are any other issues.
Unfair labor practices (ULP): Waiting to hear on one regarding ALD. Filed another one related to emergency designation of employees.
Negotiating team: Is meeting to discuss episodic off-site work and telework.
Episodic Off-site work (when the government is closed): There are questions about who is available. PUB? Review office? How do employees know who is working?
C St: Scheduled to reopen March 28th.
Review process: Is there a way to make the review process better?
Staff Photos: CREA asked for an opt-out option. Management said no.
Meeting adjourned at 12:59.