B.O.G. Meeting Minutes July 19, 2017

CREA Board of Governors Meeting Minutes

In attendance on July 19, 2017: 

David Bradley, DSP
Karma Ester, KSG
Joel Greene, RSI
Carol Hardy Vincent, RSI (by phone)
Elayne Heisler, DSP
Betty-Jean Oladapo, OPS
Brian Reeder, COU
Mallary Stouffer, CIP
Clint Brass, Vice President
Phillip Brogsdale, Treasurer
Bill Canis, Acting Secretary
Mike Martin, Vice President
Susan Thaul, President
Stewards and Others
Wanda Almanzar
CREA Appropriations Testimony: President Thaul sent CREA testimony about the FY 2018 Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee and asked that it be included in the subcommittee’s hearing record; she expects to meet with the staff in the near future.

Meeting with Divisions and Offices:  Governor Oladapo and VP Martin have discussed planning a meeting in OPS and COU; Governor Oladapo will recommend a date that could work.  It was suggested that the program include coffee and some refreshments. Governor Bradley said he would seek to identify a time for a CREA meeting in DSP.

Credit Hours Survey:  Governor Heisler will review the survey results and discuss with others at CRS.

Telework:  VP Brass will be giving renewed attention to these negotiations. 

CREA Elections and Annual Meeting:  Acting Secretary Canis, VP Brass and Administrator Almanzar had met earlier in the week and recommended that the elections be held on October 11 and the Annual Meeting on October 25. They presented their recommendations and the reasons for these dates. Lengthy discussion ensued about the best dates, the Constitutional requirement, and the impact KSG reorganization could have on KSG representation on the BOG. President Thaul suggested continuing the discussion at the July 26 BOG meeting, when it is expected the board will set dates.