B.O.G. Meeting Minutes August 27, 2014

CREA Board Meeting Minutes

August 27, 2014

Meeting Started 12:07 p.m.

In attendance:


Clint Brass

Karma Ester

Patty Figliola

Carol Hardy-Vincent

Bonnie Mangan

Michael Martin

Betty Jean Oladapo

Brian Reeder

Mallary Stouffer




Phillip Brogsdale

Valerie Grasso

Alison Siskin











Tyson Flagg

Randy Aussenberg










 Minutes: Accepted with edits.

VP Nominee for CREA Election: There doesn’t seem to be anyone running. Discussion about sending a notice to membership trying to get someone to step up.

Official Travel for IFPTE Training: IFPTE is going to have more training sessions and move the locations of the training around the country. There is going to be training in Memphis TN. Gov. Mangan motioned that CREA move funds to cover VP Jefferson’s cost of attending the training. Gov. Brass seconded the motion. Motion was approved. Gov. Brass motioned to authorize up to $800 to be taken out of reserves to pay for the cost of VP Jefferson attending the training. Gov. Oladapo seconded. Motion was accepted.

CBA: The Librarian offered to have a signing ceremony with CREA. Do we want to do this? Is there a benefit? Is this about making the library look good on labor relations? Will discuss more when the President Moteff returns.

Lync: Should CREA try to negotiate an MOU with management to get clarity on some of the issues? There are concerns about the use of the function that tells how long it has been since someone touched their keyboard/mouse. It is acknowledged that there may be some other Lync functions that may be useful. There are concerns about the IMs from clients could be distracting. Also, how would a review process work?

PUB review: President Moteff has asked for an information session to discuss this.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00.