B.O.G. Meeting June 29, 2016

CREA Board Meeting Minutes

June 29, 2016

In attendance:



David Bradley

Karma Ester

Joel Green

Carol Hardy Vincent

Betty-Jean Oladapo

Brian Reeder

Mallary Stouffer



Clint Brass

Phillip Brogsdale

Susan Thaul


Stewards and Others


Claudia Guidi

Suzanne Salgado

Randy Schnepf



Office Administration: Keisha Johnson, CREA’s new office administrator, is on jury duty today.


IP Pilot Program: Chief Steward Martin is planning meetings with bargaining unit (BU) staff regarding the information professionals (IP) pilot.

Management Changes: The Board of Governors (BOG) discussed recent and upcoming changes in CRS management.

Scholarship/Loan Repayment: Governor Stouffer reviewed the status of applications to the Scholarship and Loan Repayment Program. She moved that $4,000 be allocated from reserves to the program to accommodate qualified applicants. Governor Bradley seconded the motion. Six Governors voted in favor and one abstained, and the motion was approved.

Official Time: The BOG discussed the topic of official time reporting in the wake of conversations between CREA and Library management.

Telework Agreement: CREA submitted a proposal to reopen the telework side agreement on May 23, 2016, and put forward a four-member bargaining team. CREA will pursue the issue of Metro disruptions separately from the side agreement.

Metro SafeTrack:  The BOG discussed the current status of bargaining between the Library’s unions and the Library regarding Metro disruptions.