B.O.G. Meeting January 6, 2016

CREA Board Meeting Minutes

January 6, 2016

In attendance:



David Bradley

Karma Ester

Joel Greene

Elayne Heisler

Cathi Jones

Mike Martin

Betty-Jean Oladapo

Brian Reeder

Mallary Stouffer



Clint Brass

Valerie Bailey Grasso

Phillip Brogsdale

Alison Siskin

Susan Thaul


Stewards and Others


Carol Canada

Bill Canis

Nick Cook

Claudi Guidi

Sandra Johnson

John Mickey

Randy Schnepf


Minutes: Approved minutes for December 16th.

“Updated” PD for certain KSG Positions/KSG-DSP-FDT Pilot: Waiting to hear on our requests to bargain on each issue.

Integrated Support Services (ISS) Meeting: With new director will occur January 14, 2016.

Telework: CREA needs decide soon if we want reopen the telework agreement. The telework committee is scheduled to present a proposal regarding the decision on bargaining to the Board on January 11th.

Credit Hours: 2 years after the contract was signed (Oct. 2016) have opportunity to reopen the agreement on credit hours.

Transit Subsidy Increase: Has not been implemented yet for the LOC because of the contractor responsible for the SmartTrip cards.  Should be completed by end of February/beginning of March, and CREA needs to find out whether it will be retroactive.

Centralization in CRS: Why isn’t there a centralized place in CRS to find information about policies (e.g., promotions, review process)?

Discussion: Discussed the review process, how it differs among divisions, and other review issues (e.g., one division stopping the work of another division).