B.O.G. Meeting February 10, 2016

CREA Board Meeting Minutes

February 10, 2016

In attendance:



David Bradley

Joel Greene

Carol Hardy-Vincent

Elayne Heisler

Betty-Jean Oladapo

Brian Reeder




Clint Brass

Phillip Brogsdale

Michael Martin

Susan Thaul

Stewards and Others


Bill Canis

John Mickey


Minutes:  No minutes were presented.

Grievances: President Thaul outlined the stages of several outstanding cases.

Report of Grievance Committee: Vice President Michael Martin presented a report from the grievance committee about whether to pursue arbitration. Joel Greene proposed, seconded by Betty-Jean Oladapo, to adopt the Grievance Committee’s recommendation. The motion passed unanimously.

IP Pilot Meetings: President Thaul outlined what KSG sections have been met with so far, and which ones remain.

ISS Meeting: Elayne Heisler volunteered to attend the ISS meeting on 2-11-2016 in place of the officers.

Telework: Vice President Martin discussed the recent weather event (2-09-2016) and its implications for episodic offsite work, and its relationship to telework negotiations.