BOG Meeting Minutes – December 4, 2013

1. Minutes. Minutes from the November 6 BOG meeting were not available for review.

2. Annual Meeting Recap. A couple ideas on how to get more people to come were put forward: a) schedule closer to the lunch period; b) better publicity; c) cut down on time spend on officer reports, perhaps by making reports available ahead of meeting; d) canvas membership on ideas

3. Steward elections. Try to accomplish by year’s end. Allow email voting. Juilus will provide governors with membership lists and duties of steward. CREA hopes to have more regular steward meetings.

4. CFC. Unions were given update on status of giving. Program delayed because of government shutdown. Processing of paper forms costs $15. Please consider online giving. CFC national organization will not provide ‘thermometers’ at the door this year.

4. Meeting with Mary questions. Will provide Mary with CREA’s ‘Lessons Learned from Shutdown,’ ask about final report on research assistant positions; use of Mercury statistics for resource allocation.

5. CBA update. Negotiating team narrowed CREA’s issues and provided FSIP with language. Management provided its list of ‘critical issues’ with accompanying language at FSIP. CREA asked to either a) drop 4 articles, focusing on Association’s Representational Activity and Flexible Work Schedules, or b) accept all of management’s language. CREA negotiating will meet to discuss options and how to proceed.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 pm


Brian Reeder
Patty Figliola
Bonnie Mangan
Carol Hardy-Vincent
Libby Perl
Julius Jefferson
Chelsea Robertson
Jack Moteff
Michael Martin