BOG Meeting Minutes — August 1, 2012

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1. Minutes. The minutes of July 11, 2012, were accepted.

2. Annlinn Kruger. President R. introduced Annlinn Kruger from LC. Ms. Kruger is promoting the idea of helping workers at LC without English skills through a tutoring or ESL language table program. We may discuss this further another time.

3. IFPTE Convention. President R. and VP Jefferson reported on the convention, including the Federal Caucus meetings. A resolution allowing for associate membership in IFPTE (not requiring per capita dues) was passed; CREA can now create such a membership if we wish. An e-mail will be sent detailing the resolutions and other convention business.

4. Phased Retirement. President R. reported briefly on ‘phased retirement’ now made possible by law; more information will be forthcoming.

5. CREA Social Event. Would Wednesday, August 22 work? (Yes, and 2 p.m. is suggested as a good time.) Governors Rudman, Perl, and Brogsdale have volunteered to help. More details later.

6. CBA Bargaining. A report came from the team, which is to meet with management again August 13. The current issue is performance, next are promotion and grievance.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


David Bradley
Phillip Brogsdale
Beverly Campbell
Sean Farrell
Carol Hardy Vincent
Julius Jefferson
Annlinn Kruger (LC/Presrv.)
Cathi Jones
Chris Lewis
Jack Moteff
Abby Rudman
Dennis Roth
Linda-Jo Schierow
Bryan Sinquefield
Mallary Stouffer