- Congressional Research Employees Association - https://creaunion.org -

BOG Meeting Minutes — September 30, 2009

1. Minutes. The minutes of September 23, 2009, were accepted.

2. Proposed 2009-2010 CREA Operating Budget. Treasurer Purcell summarized the proposed FY2010 operating budget. After brief discussion, Governor Crocker moved that the proposal be accepted; Governor Harlan seconded. The motion carried. The Board thanked Treasurer Purcell.

3. Author Contact Information and A&P. President Roth distributed a proposal from the Library. Discussion ensued. The Board agreed that management should be requested to share all information involving specific instances in which an author’s contact information is considered for removal from a CRS product.

4. Meeting with the Director. During discussion, Governor Granger agreed to report back to the Board on KSG’s work with the Office of Research to define criteria for KSG-written reports. President Roth said he would continue to look into ongoing discussions about CRS’s developing telework policy. The Board agreed that CREA should continue to pursue a greater level of staff input in management decisions. Governor Moscatiello said she would invite the Board to strategy sessions with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of CREA’s communication with the Director.

5. CRS Technology Office Quarterly Meeting. President Roth asked the Board to send questions and comments to be raised in a Technology Office quarterly meeting scheduled for October 8.

6. Pandemic Flu Preparedness Planning. Governor Grasso agreed to forward the Board information on topics discussed at a CRS OEC pandemic COOP planning meeting scheduled for that afternoon.

Meeting adjourned at 1 p.m.

Beverly Campbell
Royce Crocker
Ryan Granger
Valerie Grasso
Shelley Harlan
Julius Jefferson
Lisa Moscatiello
Jack Moteff
Pat Purcell
Dennis Roth
Bryan Sinquefield
Pauline Smale
David Smole
Mallary Stouffer