- Congressional Research Employees Association - https://creaunion.org -

BOG Meeting Minutes — October 19, 2011

1. Minutes. The minutes of October 5, 2011, were accepted.

2. Introduction of New Board and Officers. President Roth swore in the remaining Board members and everyone was introduced. Welcome to the new officers and Board members.

3. CREA FY2012 Budget. Treasurer Austin presented a refined budget. Agreement was to add in the annual amount for the Metropolitan Washington Council (which we joined this year). Governor Grasso moved, Governor Jones seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that $1,000 be added for professional meetings and training. Governor Jones moved, Governor Reeder seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that the budget be accepted as amended. Thanks to Treasurer Austin!

4. Board Vacancies. We have only nine governors (and nine vacancies)! Bryan Sinquefield has volunteered to serve. Governor Rudman moved, Governor Grasso seconded, and the motion passed unanimously that Bryan Sinquefield be added to the Board. Congratulations and thanks to new Governor Sinquefield.

5. Steward Elections. Annual elections are coming up; VP Jefferson will be contacting everyone with necessary information.

6. CREA Activity Update. President R. gave updates.
a) Master contract bargaining—underway for the past year.
b) Various LC regulations are also being updated and negotiated (along with the other LC unions).
c) Several cases are in dispute resolution.
d) Several discrimination cases are underway.
e) A couple of issues may lead to ULPs being filed (senior level staff performance assessment and issues regarding the Blackberries).

7. Madison Lounges. LC is refurbishing the lounges; CREA is entitled to a representative. Can we get some of these lounges turned into shower/locker rooms? Governor Jones volunteered to be the representative. Thanks to Governor Jones.

8. Graduate Recruits. President R. suggested we run an event: invite them and see how things are going for them. VP Moteff will organize it; thanks to VP Moteff.

9. President’s Meeting with Acting Director. President R. reported on meeting. It was mostly focused on the budget; situation is serious, but perhaps not dire (neither RIFs nor furloughs imminent).

10. Other. New food vendor and situation of downstairs coffee bar once again mentioned; concern has been brought to LC and received favorably.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


D. Andrew Austin
David Bradley
Phillip Brogsdale
Val Grasso
Julius Jefferson
Cathi Jones
Chris Lewis
Martinez Majors
Jack Moteff
Libby Perl
Brian Reeder
Dennis Roth
Abby Rudman
Bryan Sinquefield
David Smole
Mallary Stouffer