- Congressional Research Employees Association - https://creaunion.org -

BOG Meeting Minutes – May 1, 2013

1. Minutes. The minutes of April 10, 2013, were accepted.

2. Scholarship Fund Increase. Gov. Stouffer moved to modify the prior request for a one-time increase in the scholarship fund to $4,000 instead of $3,000, to reach the previously discussed goal of $11,000 total (there was confusion about the budgeted level for 2013 being $8,000 instead of $7,000). Gov. Campbell seconded; motion passed unanimously.

3. Meeting about VRC. Catalyst is budget cuts and need to save money wherever possible. Two major issues: 1) Consolidation of subscriptions between Library and CRS to cut costs and avoid repetition. Concerns include whether CRS will be given notification, chance to offer input if any particular subscriptions are not renewed. It appears access to some resources will still be limited and may require going through KSG. 2) Piggybacking onto Library’s software and search system will save considerable fees currently being paid for two separate systems. Search will be done through different site, but will probably look the same; may mean even more access to resources, as everything CRS subscribes to is not currently available through Insider. Training on the new system will begin in June.

4. FY2014 Budget. It is now available online, but numbers are not currently relevant—the baseline for these figures is too high and not fully accounting for rescission and sequestration. If sequestration continues, there is the possibility of more furlough time next year.

5. New Chair for Finance Committee. Former Gov. Smole is stepping down from CREA Finance Committee (only person on it at present). Thanks to David for his service. Volunteer needed to take over. Primary duties are monthly monitoring of the checking and credit card accounts and financial statements, and providing contracted CPA with material and assisting with annual review of CREA finances for presentation to the Board. Works closely with Treasurer throughout the year. 2012 annual review was distributed.

6. Donation to Blacks in Government Oratorical Contest. Contest for high schoolers; being held at Library this year. Gov. Schierow moved to donate $150 to the prize pool; Gov. Stouffer seconded; motion passed unanimously.

7. CREA Office Support. Posting has gone out in various library publications; six respondents so far. Committee will be formed soon to go through applications and interview candidates.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


David Bradley
Phillip Brogsdale
Beverly Campbell
Valerie Grasso
Carol Hardy-Vincent
Cathi Jones
Chris Lewis
Bonnie Mangan
Jack Moteff
Linda Jo Schierow
Bryan Sinquefield
David Smole
Mallary Stouffer