- Congressional Research Employees Association - https://creaunion.org -

BOG Meeting Minutes — August 20, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1. Minutes. The minutes of August 13, 2008, were approved.

2. CREA Scholarships. The Scholarship Committee expects to review material submitted by two applicants and make a decision in the coming weeks, President Roth said.

3. FY2009 Budget. At Treasurer Siskin’s suggestion, the Board agreed to a mid-September discussion of the FY2009 budget.

4. GS-15 Pay Cap. President Roth said the response from a member of the House Administration Committee staff had been positive, and that the Chair would be briefed on CREA’s request.

5. Settlement of Senior Level Performance Bonus Grievance. Governor Grasso moved that the Board accept management’s proposal; Governors Jones and Burrows seconded. The vote in favor was unanimous. Governor Moteff volunteered to draft a CREAgram.

6. Part-Time Work Proposal. During discussion, some Board members expressed concern over the potential response from management to newer staff who request part-time status. President Roth said he would seek further information on several issues, including management’s proposed policy for permitting and extending part-time allowances, in a meeting scheduled for that afternoon.

7. Performance Assessment System. The Board agreed that Dick Ehlke should be asked about the criteria for the performance standards, and what factors supervisors will be expected to consider in terms of fluctuation in workload and level of supervisory control when measuring staff performance. Vice President Moscatiello suggested that analysts study their position descriptions, and Governor Moteff suggested that the Board compile comments and questions from analytic staff as they undergo training.

8. Meeting with the Director. After Governor Smale proposed that CREA commend Charlotte Preece, President Roth said he would suggest that CREA collaborate with Ms. Preece on the development of Senior Level position descriptions. President Roth also said he would inquire about the Authoring and Publishing System, the Mercury Project, performance standards, and individual development plans.

Meeting adjourned at 1 p.m.


Vanessa Burrows
Dennis Roth
Karma Ester
Lisa Moscatiello
Valerie Grasso
Alison Siskin
Cathi Jones
Bryan Sinquefield
Jack Moteff
Mallary Stouffer
Sibyl Tilson
Pauline Smale