BOG Meeting Minutes – June 19, 2013

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1. Minutes. The minutes of June 12, 2013, were accepted.

2. Status of KSG Staffing of LaFollette RR. CRS management is proceeding with their initial system of rotating staffing based on seniority; orientations have begun. Pres. Moteff has written a draft proposal for an alternate system. Still have an information request into management that could affect proposal; waiting for response before determining how best to move forward with negotiation. A four-person negotiating team of Pres. Moteff, VPs Grasso and Jefferson, and Gov. Mangan has been proposed. Current system set to begin July 8; option of filing ULP exists if they move forward in implementing it without a signed agreement.

3. Status of Partial Retirement. Law passed at the end of last year allowing for partial retirement in federal service. OPM published preliminary regulations in Federal Register; accepting public comment. Library will likely wait until final regs are worked out, but is keen on the idea and has established a working group.

4. Smoking at the Library. Deputy Librarian Dizard wants to expand non-smoking areas outside of Library buildings, including eliminating smoking in front of Madison. There will continue to be no designated smoking areas. Impact and implementation can be negotiated. Pres. Moteff recommends proposing that cover from weather be provided in some area outside the non-smoking zones.

5. CREA Office Support. Messages have been sent to five prospective candidates, two are coming in for interviews.

6. CHIMES Layoffs. CHIMES contract being cut back (e.g., trash collection will now be handled by Library staff). Not much that can be done for CHIMES personnel being laid off given that they are contractors and unions and Library must maintain a certain distance for legal reasons.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


David Bradley
Beverly Campbell
Karma Ester
Valerie Grasso
Carol Hardy-Vincent
Chris Lewis
Bonnie Mangan
Jack Moteff
Libby Perl
Linda Jo Schierow
Bryan Sinquefield
Mallary Stouffer