BOG Meeting Minutes — January 4, 2012

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1. Minutes of Dec. 13, 2011. The minutes of December 13, 2011, were accepted.

2. Outlook Briefing. IMT’s Outlook briefing for the CREA Board was postponed until Jan. 19. One question raised was to ask whether and how Groupwise archives will be accessed.

3. Webinar on Performance. Webinar on performance reviews is tomorrow, Jan. 5, from 1-4 p.m., in LM-412. President Roth will inform officers, governors, and stewards, but all members are invited.

4. Grad Recruit Lunch. President Roth proposed setting up in the next couple months the previously approved graduate recruit luncheon. VP Moteff will work on planning.

5. Rep. Van Hollen Staffer Talk. President Roth proposed rescheduling Rep. Van Hollen’s staff person to speak to CREA members. Rep. Van Hollen’s staffer was to talk at the CREA annual meeting in October, but had to cancel.

6. Steward Elections. VP Jefferson reminded governors to hold steward elections by Jan. 17. Also, Governor Brogsdale agreed to sit on the Grievance Committee. The committee still needs another steward to satisfy the CREA constitution. The committee has two cases to review in the next week.

7. Master Contract Update. Currently negotiating Space Moves article. Next article to be taken up is Flexible Work Schedules, followed by Performance Reviews.

8. Office Support. President Roth announced the resignation of CREA’s office support person, Mary Rose. The Board agreed to reevaluate the need and duties for that position.

9. Issues for 2012. President Roth asked the Board to think about issues to be taken up during the next year. Two issues that he mentioned were the impact of staff reductions, and coming up with our own cost-saving ideas.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


David Bradley
Phillip Brogsdale
Nic Cook
Val Grasso
Julius Jefferson
Jack Moteff
Libby Perl
Dennis Roth
Abby Rudman