BOG Meeting Minutes — December 3, 2008

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CREA Board of Governors Meeting
December 3, 2008

Minutes of November 20 were approved as read.

MJ-Nomination to the Board
MJ Oboroceanu was introduced from KSG to fill the vacancy left by Zina Watkins. She gave a short introduction, citing her particular interest in negotiation training. Gov. Grasso made a motion to nominate MJ to take the vacant position; Gov. Smale seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Next Board Facilitator
Govs Jefferson and Oboroceanu agreed to share the facilitation of Board the Board meetings, taking over the position held by Gov. Grasso. Their term is January – March 2009.

Vending Machine update
President Roth reported that the prices have been rolled back, and a refund was due. Since CREA was the only union that filed a grievance on this, Pres. Roth wanted feedback from the Board as to how to spend the money. Gov. Burrows suggested that the funds (from improperly raising the prices) be contributed toward the repair/replacement of microwaves in the lounges (if possible); President Roth noted that this is the responsibility of either LC or the vender. He will investigate. Gov. Stouffer moved that the funds be used for the Wellness Center. Gov. Grasso seconded the motion. The vote in favor was unanimous.

CREA Holiday Party
VP Reeder presented his plan for the party and asked the Board to approve funds. Gov. Burrows made the motion to approve $725 and the purchase of two $12 ornaments for a door prize raffle. Gov. Stouffer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The Board discussed ways to ensure that only CREA members attended the party and came up with the plan to issue an admission ticket (send each CREA member an admission notice that would serve as their entry for the party.)

Meeting with the Director
Pres. Roth asked the Board to send him any items for his meeting with the Director. One board member asked him if he could discuss the performance rating system and the issue of what it takes to get a “fully successful” rating. In particular, whether staff could be ranked on all individual areas as “fully successful” and still not get an overall rating of fully successful. Was at least one “commendable” rating required? Pres. Roth said that he would raise it but that the most appropriate person to ask would be Bessie Alkisswani in Workforce.

Steward Elections
FDT reported that Ian Fergusson and Nicolas Cook were reelected for a second term as FDT Stewards. Elections are underway in RSI and G&F. Gov. Stouffer will look into the election of an additional steward from LIN. Pres. Roth encouraged everyone to complete the elections and report back to VP Jack Moteff.

A&P System
Gov. Burrows reiterated her concerns with the inclusion of email addresses and phone numbers in future CRS products. Discussion ensued. Gov. Burrows expressed the opinion that the practice should be banned and that CREA should bargain the decision itself. Gov. Tilson made a motion to bargain the issue; Gov. Burrows seconded the motion. The motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 p.m.

Next week’s meeting will include at least three issues – the A&P system, vending machines, and the meeting with the Director.

Members present: David Smole, Valerie Grasso, Beverly Campbell, Mallary Stouffer, Julius Jefferson, Sibyl Tilson, Shelley Harlan, Brian Reeder, M-J Oboroceanu, Pauline Smale, Vanessa Burrows, Cathy Jones, Dennis Roth